

This section aims to provide didactic support for secondary school or third level students, who wish to deepen their knowledge on the functioning of the BCL and the Eurosystem, as well as for their teachers.

 Educational activities

woch 150 D'Woch vun de Suen / Die Woche des Geldes / La semaine de l'argent / Money Week
students_award_logo_fr Generation €uro Students’ Award
What can I learn?

The Generation €uro Students’ Award gives you an opportunity to understand how monetary policy in the euro area works and how it relates to the economy as a whole in an interactive way.

Didactic material

Photo film Presentation film on the BCL


Information brochure "The Banque centrale du Luxembourg"
This information brochure, targeted for the general public, presents the tasks of the BCL, its organisation and its European foundations.
Couverture Les aventuriers du trésor perdu Booklet with games "Les aventuriers du tr€sor perdu" (in French) and "Die Jäger des verlorenen Euro-Schatzes" (in German) (2020 edition)
This publication will usher young players through a thrilling adventure featuring the legend of Melusine.
Baba cover FR

Leaflet "Le b.a.-ba de l'€uro" (in French) and "Das Abc des €uros" (in German)

This leaflets outlines in simple terms the functions of money, the workings of the BCL and the Eurosystem as well as Euro banknotes security features.

simpleshow The ECB and the Eurosystem explained in three minutes
Do you know who is looking after the euro? What is inflation? And why is price stability important for you?
Find the answers to these questions and much more in this three-minute introduction to the role and tasks of the ECB and the Eurosystem.
photo15x84 ssm SSM explained in 3 minutes
The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) is a new system of banking supervision for Europe. It comprises the ECB and the national supervisory authorities of the participating countries.
annaalex Cartoon on price stability for schools
This kit - aimed at teachers and young teenagers - explains the importance of price stability from an end-consumer perspective. It consists of an eight-minute video, a leaflet for students, and a booklet for teachers.
FAQ small FAQ
Deepen your knowledge concerning the BCL and the Eurosystem by consulting our frequently asked questions.

The Eurosystem and the ECB explained

Lost in terminology?
Key concepts in simple words explained by the ECB.

videos More videos