Oversight of payment and settlement infrastructures
In conformity with the article 127 (2) and (5) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, the Banque centrale du Luxembourg, as a member of the Eurosystem, has the mission to promote the smooth functioning of payment and settlement infrastructures.
Legal framework
In conformity with the article 127 (2) and (5) of the Treaty of the functioning of the European Union, the Banque centrale du Luxembourg, as a member of the Eurosystem, has the mission to promote the smooth functioning of payment and settlement infrastructures. (...)
Principles / basic standards
In exercising its oversight, the Banque centrale applies the decisions taken by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank relating to the recommendations, principles and standards, including the assessment methodologies. (...)
Scope of the oversight of payment systems, securities settlement systems and payment instruments
BCL’s oversight consists of two fields of activity (...)
Oversight activities
According to BCL regulation of 15 January 2016, BCL’s oversight is applied to (...)
Official register of systems designated or notified by the BCL
Referring to article 110 of the law of 10 November 2009 related to the payment services, to the activity of electronic money institutions and to the settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems and referring to article 10 of the regulation of the Banque centrale du Luxembourg 2016/ N°21 of 15 January 2016, the Banque centrale du Luxembourg keeps the register of payment and securities settlement systems notified to the European commission. (...)