sys de paiement

Reporting instructions

CDDP6 (VALID FROM 1 January 2022)

Regulation BCL 2021/30 ("Règlement de la Banque centrale du Luxembourg 2021 / N° 30 du 12 juillet 2021 en matière de statistiques de paiement" available in French only)
Annex 1: BCL manual on payment statistics (main set of reporting instructions, last update 12 December 2023)

Technical documentation

Questions and answers concerning the CDDP reporting (last update June 2024)

CDDP6 Validation rules (last update 4 May 2022)

The validation checks are executed immediately at the reception of a datafile.
In case any of the checks fails, the file is rejected, and the reporting PSP is informed by the BCL without delay.

CDDP5 (valid until 31 December 2021)

Instructions relating to the reporting of payment data (Annex 1 to the regulation BCL2011/9 - version 5.1 dated January 2017)

Technical documentation

  • xml schema  :
    - updated XML schema only (updated on 02.01.2017)
    - all XML schema (updated on 02.01.2017)
  • Codes et libellés (FR)
    Important remark: the feature "track changes" was activated on the document "Codes et libellés",  this to facilitate the display of the updates brought to the document.

Frequently asked questions

Validation rules

Test period

During the test period, reporting agents have the possibility to send data files in our test environnement by the way of the current transmission channels Sofie and Finesti.
The last test period lasted from the 1st November 2015 until the 31 January 2016.


For any question on this data collection, please contact the Banque centrale du Luxembourg by sending an email to