Data privacy statement for recruitments

The Banque centrale of Luxembourg (BCL) pays a great attention to protection of your personal data that you have submitted or are intending to submit. This document provides you clear information on the processing of your personal data within the recruitment process.
We therefore invite you to read carefully this document in order to better understand:

  1. What type of personal data are collected and for what reason?
    1. Recruitment process
      The BCL collects some of your personal data that are necessary for the recruitment process of a candidate, including:
      • identification data (e.g. name, address, phone number, email address, nationality)
      • career data (e.g. academic cursus, diplomas, qualifications, professional experience, publications)
      • “Sensitive data” (e.g. criminal record)
        These data are processed only to help the BCL to have the necessary information for the recruitment process and are not processed for other purposes. Should it be the case, you will be informed prior to the processing and – in such case – your consent will be required.
    2. Identification
      In addition, the BCL collects additional personal data that can be necessary to identify you should you wish to exercise your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.
      These additional data are identification data (e.g. photo, date and place of birth through the identity card or passport).
      Please note that if these additional data cannot be obtained, the BCL will not be able to verify your identity and therefore to exercise your rights as listed in section 4 of this document.
  2. To whom your personal data is provided and for which purpose ?
    Still for the purpose of recruitment, your CV is provided to an external recruitment consulting company who provides support to the BCL with regard to the interviews and personality tests to be performed. This company, based in Luxembourg, applies the same rules in terms of confidentiality, security and retention as the BCL does.
  3. How long your personal data is kept?
    The BCL keeps your personal data for 6 months maximum after the end of the recruitment process. At this time, your personal data is deleted. However, should you wish the BCL to keep your personal for a potential further recruitment, you are free to provide your consent in this respect. In such case, a consent form can be provided upon request.
  4. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
    Your rights concerning your personal data are:
    • The right to be informed: You have the right to be informed about the processing of your personal data, especially what categories of data are processed, by whom, and for which purpose.
    • The right to contest a decision based solely on automated processing: If you are informed that the decisions made from the processing of your personal data is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, you have the right to express your point of view and contest the decision taken.
    • The right of access: You have the right to ask if your personal data are processed or not by the BCL. In the affirmative, you have the right to obtain a copy of your data processed by the BCL.
    • The right to rectification: You have the right to request an update of your personal data, when these are not up-to-date, incorrect, or incomplete.
    • The right to be forgotten: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, unless the BCL has a legal legitimacy to keep your data. In this latter case, you have the right to ask for justification of the legitimacy allowing the retention of your personal data.
    • The right to data portability: You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (e.g. USB key). The right to object: Where the processing of your personal data is based on the legitimate interests of the BCL or is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, you have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to this data processing.
    • The right to restriction of processing: Instead of asking for the deletion of your personal data, you have the right to request a restriction of the data processing (such as locking the processing in certain situations). For example, if you consider that your personal data is inaccurate, or if the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of your data, or if you need your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, although the BCL has no longer the needs or the legitimacy to keep your data. Where the processing has been restricted, the data can no longer be processed.
    • The right to claim to the national control authority: Should the BCL could not be able to exercise your rights, you have the possibility to submit a claim to the Commission nationale pour la protection des données ( if you reside in Luxembourg, or to your national data protection authority if you reside outside of Luxembourg.

In order to better process the exercise of your rights concerning your personal data, you may contact our Data Protection Officer either par email at either by mail at the following address:

Banque centrale du Luxembourg
Att : Data Protection Officer
2, Boulevard Royal
L-2983 Luxembourg