
The Cross border Household Finance and Consumption Survey: Results from the fourth wave in 2021

DateJuly 2024
AuteurThomas Y. Mathä, Giuseppe Pulina, Ana Montes-Viñas, Michael Ziegelmeyer

This report presents the methodology and main descriptive results of the fourth wave of the Cross-border Household Finance and Consumption Survey (XB-HFCS) conducted in 2021. This is a household survey of employees in Luxembourg who live abroad and regularly commute across the border. We analyse the composition and level of their assets and liabilities, net wealth and income, and compare them to similar households (including at least one employee) that live and work in Luxembourg, Belgium, France or Germany. Compared to households who were employed in their country of residence, cross-border commuters were more likely to be homeowners and tended to enjoy higher gross income and net wealth.
Keywords: Cross-border commuters, households, survey, assets, liabilities, wealth, income. JEL-Codes: G51, D31, D14, C81, C83, J61

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