Film sur les missions et activités de la BCL
Conférence du Bridge Forum Dialogue et de la BEI: "Recovering from the crisis: Macroeconomic versus Real economy and social dimensions"
The Bridge Forum Dialogue a.s.b.l. and the European Investment Bank have the honour to invite you on Wednesday 28 September 2016 at 6.00 p.m. to a conference under the title:
Recovering from the crisis: Macroeconomic versus Real economy and social dimensions
under the chairmanship of
Dr Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank and Vice-President of The Bridge Forum Dialogue.
The speaker will be
Professor Euclid Tsakalotos, MP, Minister of Finance of the Hellenic Republic.
The speech, in English, will be followed by a question-and-answer session.
A reception will start at 7.30 p.m.
European Investment Bank (EIB)
98, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L- 2950 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Nearest bus stop: "EIB"
No parking available at the EIB
Please register online at
no later than 23 September 2016.