Film sur les missions et activités de la BCL
Call for candidates: Members of the Theme Advisory Group for future euro banknote
The Banque centrale du Luxembourg, on behalf of the Eurosystem, is looking for
Members of the Theme Advisory Group for future euro banknote
For the development of a new series of banknotes, the European Central Bank requests that all national central banks of the Eurosystem assist in the composition of the Theme Advisory Group (TAG) for future euro banknotes. The TAG will be composed by experts with known and recognised high level expertise in different fields (e.g. history, arts, technology, social sciences). The group should also represent a wide range of demographic groups (in particular age and gender) and should be able to connect to the young generations.
The TAG's tasks will be to:
- Review and take into account the results of a qualitative study on new themes and designs;
- Establish a shortlist of potential themes and associated designs in order of preference (the TAG may merge themes and propose new themes and associated designs);
- Develop a draft story (storytelling) for each of the shortlisted themes.
The criteria that will apply for the selection of potential candidates are their renown international reputation/ background and would be based for instance on:
- Publications in journals (for example Journal Citation Reports (Social Sciences Edition or Science Edition); Web of Sciences; SCOPUS; Arts and Humanities Citation; Index from Web of Science);
- Track record of work on European studies and European symbols / Track record of work on International studies / International awards received;
- Track record of campaigns managed /run at European level, primarily of large consumption goods;
Furthermore, all the members must have a fluent level of English.
The adequacy of potential candidates will be assessed in a two-step-approach, based on their CVs, considering their international reputation in their professional field. In a first step, the Banque centrale du Luxembourg will pre-select suitable candidates from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. In a second step, the European Central Bank will select 19 to 20 experts for the TAG, ensuring that all euro area countries are represented.
The TAG will start its work in November 2021. Its meetings will be organised either remotely or physically depending on the circumstances. The expected number of meetings is 5 or 6, with additional preparatory and follow up work in between. The whole task including the preparation of a final proposal would take around 10 working days for each of the members.
The Banque centrale du Luxembourg will conclude a contractual agreement with each selected candidate to ensure the confidentiality of the information exchanged, the safeguarding of the Eurosystem's reputation and the avoidance of possible conflicts of interest on the part of the candidates.
The travel and accommodation expenses of the selected expert will be paid by the BCL according to the BCL's internal rules.
If you correspond to this profile, please send us your CV by 8 October 2021 to the following address:
- by email: or
- by post:
Banque centrale du Luxembourg
Département Caisse et numismatique
2, boulevard Royal
L-2983 Luxembourg
Should you need further information, please feel free to contact us via email: