Prince Henri Auditoire 02 BW

Oath of office and reception of honours ceremony at the Banque centrale du Luxembourg


On 11 July 2016, 8 new staff members of the Banque centrale du Luxembourg (BCL) have been sworn in by Mr Gaston Reinesch, Governor of the BCL:

Michel DRAGONE, Payments Section
Jonathan GENSON, Economic and Financial Statistics Section
Nicolas GRANDGIRARD, Software and Development Section
Christian MAJERUS, Currency Operations Section
Hoan-My LE, Procurement Section
Edwin TSANG, Procurement Section
Robert WILSON, Strategy and Controlling Section


As of 1st July 2016, 353 staff members worked at the BCL. The average age of BCL staff was 43,23 years.

During a reception of honours ceremony, Governor Reinesch also awarded the following staff members:

Chevalier de l’Ordre de Mérite :
Bernadette REMY   Premier conseiller
Nicolas THILL    Inspecteur principal

Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Couronne de Chêne :
Paolo GUARDA   Administrateur principal 
André MANDY   Premier conseiller
Nicolas WEBER   Premier conseiller
