Prince Henri Auditoire 02 BW

Discover our interesting collector coins on A Piece of Luxembourg



The Banque centrale du Luxembourg (BCL) launches the “A Piece of Luxembourg” campaign to promote its most recent collector coins.

Thanks to the A Piece of Luxembourg website, discover our latest numismatic products, made in the best European mints in order to guarantee an exceptional object, combining the quality of metals to the mastery of execution.

Each numismatic product is a rare item that will add to a collection or serve as a much sought-after gift for a special occasion.

The BCL numismatic products aim to promote the Grand Duchy’s cultural, historic and environmental heritage.

Our latest issues are a gold coin bearing the effigy of HRH Prince Charles and a silver and Nordic gold coin dedicated to the common bistort and the violet copper, a butterfly that is becoming increasingly rare in Luxembourg.

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