
Enquête sur le comportement financier et de consommation des ménages (HFCS)


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La cinquième vague de l'enquête sur le comportement financier et de consommation des ménages auprès des ménages a terminé.

Des lettres d’invitation ont été envoyées à des milliers de ménages résidant au Luxembourg et aux ménages des travailleurs frontaliers, pour les inviter à participer à un entretien en ligne. La période de travail sur le terrain a terminé le 15 décembre 2023. Nous remercions beaucoup tous les participants à cette enquête et nous rappelons que les résultats de l'enquête sont régulièrement publiés par la BCL dans son Bulletin et ses Cahiers d’études. 

Call for papers

Call for papers: 9 th Luxembourg Workshop on Household Finance and Consumption

Organiser: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Date: Thursday, 27 June - Friday, 28 June 2024
Location: Luxembourg

Dernières publications (ordre chronologique)

Mathä, T.Y., G. Pulina, A. Montes-Viñas and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): The Cross-border Household Finance and Consumption Survey: Results from the fourth wave in 2021, BCL WP 188, July 2024.

Naidin, M.D., S.R. Waltl and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): Objective housing sales and rent prices in representative household surveys: Implications for wealth, inequality, housing market and affordability statistics, The Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming.
Giordana, G. and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): Using household-level data to guide borrower-based macro-prudential policy, Empirical Economics, 66: 785–827.
Pulina, G. (2024): Credit card debt puzzle: Evidence from the euro area, Economics Letters, 236, 111586.
Girshina, A., T.Y. Mathä and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): Peer Effects in Stock Market Participation: Evidence from Immigration, The Review of Income and Wealth, 70(4): 1060-1088.
Mathä, T.Y., A. Montes-Viñas, G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023):  The Luxembourg Household Finance Consumption Survey: Results from the fourth wave in 2021, BCL WP 176, November 2023.
Pulina, G.  (2023): Consumer debt in Luxembourg and the euro area: Evidence from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey, BCL WP 175, November 2023, summarised in SUERF Policy Brief, 2024, 828.
Lindner, P., T.Y. Mathä, G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): Borrowing constraints, own labour and homeownershipApplied Economics, 55(42): 4931-4945.
Mathä, T.Y., A. Montes-Viñas, G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): COVID-19 effects on income, consumption and savings: Evidence from the Luxembourg Household Finance and Consumption Survey, BCL Bulletin, 2023, 2: 50-59.
Mathä, T.Y., G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): Do private wealth transfers help with homeownership? A first assessment for Luxembourg, BCL WP 174, June 2023.
Giordana, G. and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): Household indebtedness and their vulnerability to rising interest rates, BCL WP 173, June 2023.